by Gregg Wartman
Glengate Alliance Church
Why do we sometimes feel we need to climb mountains to feel the presence of God? Does he not live in the valleys as well? Does he not live in our communities, our neighborhoods? Does he not live with our families, in our children? Do we not seem him in each other?
Yesterday I had the privilege to not only visit the city dump, but to also visit my Compassion child Maryori. On our way to the mall where we would be meeting them, I was trying to process through all that I had seen in the garbage and prepare for the amazing once in a lifetime experience that was about to take place.
Fires burned. Garbage smelled. Flies buzzed. Smoke filled the air. Yet, we were greeted by faces filled with joy. Jesus lives there. Tears were shed. Hearts were broken. Lives were changed. Here are three accounts of the garbage dump experience from today...
by Joanna Wilkins
I am so thankful for Mission Peru. I’m thankful I’ve had the opportunity to see glimpses of God’s purposes as He has been preparing our hearts for what we would see and experience in Peru.
by Niki Wright
West London Alliance Church
Day four of our Peruvian adventure our youth group, WLA, had the privilege to go to Mana, a daycare about ten minutes from the compound where we are staying. The first thing I noticed about the daycare was all the smiling children who were not afraid to come up to you and hug you.