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    Content in the Lord

    March 16, 2016
    by Bethanie Wilson, West London Alliance Church

    Buenos tardes, amigos! My name is Beth Wilson, and I’m from West London Alliance Church. As you all know, currently my team and I are in Peru on a missions trip with the organization Inca Link. So far, it has been a wonderful trip, filled with amazing memories, hilarious inside jokes, and great team bonding. Together, we have had awesome experiences and it is clear that God has been with us this whole time.

    One thing that I’ve been thinking about on this trip is being content. What does it really mean to be content? It has been quite obvious to me that the way most Canadians know it by differs greatly here. As we travel around Trujillo (Not “True-jill-o”, “True-hee-yo”) Peru completing our various tasks, we have the opportunity to interact with the locals. I have been struck time and time again by how happy and kind each person is as I attempt to communicate using what little Spanish I know. A good example of this occurred earlier this morning. We travelled to the garbage dump to give fresh fruit to the people who make a living there. They sort through piles of burning and rotting trash in hopes of finding anything that looks like it may be able to be recycled or sold. While inside the dump, many people stopped their work of sorting through the rubbish to come over to smile and say “hola!” This hit me hard, as back in Canada if you say “hi” to a stranger, many will give you a dirty look or ignore you. But here these people are cheerful and waving, taking time to come and say hello. It’s almost as if it is easier to communicate with these people with a language barrier in the way, then at home without a language barrier.

    This is only one example of many that has made me realize what being content can be. I think about how many times I complain about things that don’t matter compared to the problems here, and I cringe.  God has blessed me with so much, and in turn, I should be blessing others to allow them to see His love.

    My team and I are having a fantastic time, and God has shown us all so much. Learning to be content is just one lesson of many that I have been taught over my time here, and I’m excited to see what else God can teach me and use me for during the rest of our time and then back home in London.


    On Thursday, March 17, 2016, Doorothy Doggart said:

    Dearest Beth. What a life changing experience this is for all of you. To be able to put the joyful expressions on the faces of those precious children is indeed the work of the Lord. This experience will impact your life, and theirs, for the rest of your lives. You are doing God's work indeed. You always make me proud to be your grandmother. Much love and prayers. Dadum


    On Thursday, March 17, 2016, Deb Schalk said:

    Great blog Bethany. Learning to be content in the Lord is such a blessing. I am amazed by the smiles of joy on the kids faces in such poverty. We get so caught up in material wealth in Canada that I think sometimes we miss what true joy in the Lord is. Enjoy the rest of your days in Peru Bethany :) Deb Schalk (Nikki's mom)


    On Thursday, March 17, 2016, Brian said:

    Thinking of you all (and in particular, a certain girl with a big smile, long hair and blue shorts with a name that rhymes with "bolissa" (I couldn't think of a rhyme - :) ). Contentment is a lesson God has to keep teaching me. He is teaching it to me again even while I look at the pictures of you all and am reminded that I can miss you while being content in knowing that it was God's plan to take you from us for a time to work in your hearts and Trujillo lives in ways that could not happen here and for purposes I could not understand. God continue to bless you as He is blessing me through watching you... and, in particular, a certain someone!


    On Thursday, March 17, 2016, Sue Mitchell said:

    Thanks for sharing Bethanie , and for the photos- God bless you all!


    On Thursday, March 17, 2016, Mindy said:

    Thank you for sharing your heart Beth. Praying for you and the whole team as you do not only hard physical work, but this hard spiritual/emotional work that God has for you. Hugs


    On Wednesday, March 16, 2016, Diane Young said:

    Thanks for sharing about your experiences and the things that you are learning. Isn't it amazing how God works in our lives to provide opportunities to hear from Him and be challenged and encouraged by others? Praying for you and the whole team that you will be blessed during your time in Peru and that you will in turn be a blessing to all those that you come into contact with.


    On Wednesday, March 16, 2016, Pedro Wilson said:

    I just want to say Hola to all of you and let you know that as your parents, we are all so very proud of you all. This is very evident as we all share the pictures of our kids to the multitudes on facebook. It will be exciting to hear first hand all that you have done and how God has used you this week. May God continue to bless you all, and make you a blessing to those you serve in His name. We serve an awesome God. May this time be something that you build upon as you look ahead to your lives in His service. Looking forward to our ride back from Toronto airport. In His Grip Pedro (Peter) Wilson


    On Wednesday, March 16, 2016, Jacqueline Wilson said:

    Bethanie, my heart was touched as I read your blog tonight. God is still in control and is working through you and your co-workers there in Peru. May you continue to see His love and share it with those you come in contact with. Gracias Senor


    On Wednesday, March 16, 2016, Kerry Wilson said:

    All of us parents are so proud of all of you and are thrilled to see the work you're doing! Being content is a very hard lesson...for all of us!


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